"photography makes you see the world, not just look at it. A good snapshot stops a moment from running away."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Brown Family

this was my FIRST family session. and i was so excited and nervous all at the same time. it's so sad because i can't remember any poses that i see and LOVE the minute i get behind a camera. so i'm hoping i get better at that cause i have SO many ideas in my head ALL the time for pictures.
Anyway, this is Nichole, she's my cousin. She pretty much rocks and her daughter Teagan (or as they call her, tingaling) looks EXACTLY like Nichole did when she was a baby. i love my Nichole, she is beautiful, inside and out. She can make you laugh and smile! This is her husband Jeremy, he is a hardworker and loves his family and works hard for them. i loved being able to take pics of them. Thanks guys.

Love this pic. so cute.

they are TOOO cute.

thanks Nichole. I hope you like them. xoxoox Janessa

Kirayli + Titan --spring

A few weeks ago i got a new camera. WELL it was new to me, it was my first transaction bought on craigslist. it's a cannon XS, only a year old. i got a REALLY good deal on it and i am sooooo excited about it. I was about to go crazy because i didn't have any people to take pictures of....THANKFULLY i have this bestie who lets me take me pics of her adorable kiddos. She just moved over to Ft. Grant and on my first trip to her house i found stumbled upon these apple trees. I gooooo crazy for some bare trees all grouped together. i think that is one of my FAVORITE places now. ha. check it out

This one is probably my favorite.

thanks saraya for letting me follow your kids around with my camera. xoxo Janessa